Sunday, February 10, 2013

In the Beginning

For a great while, the Lord has kept calling me to publish a blog. Right..I know. Believe me, that is what I have kept telling him over and over again for months. I guess I should start at the beginning. I am a devotee of the Sacred Liturgy. I guess, I always have been.  One of the earliest memories I have as a young child is holding my own "Bible procession" with my family's Bible.  Oh, it was a very solemn event, you know. I would grab my parent's ginormous Bible that seemed to be bigger than my head and slowly walk to my bedroom with arms outstretched as high as they would go.  I would gently lay it down on my bed and look through the pictures contained inside. After a period of time, I would reverse the procession back to their room.  From that time, I have always been captivated by things liturgical. I must admit, there are some great blogs out there on the Sacred Liturgy.  But, they tend to travel back and forth into the silly land of politics and "who is more orthodox than the next." I am quite tired of Ecclesiastical Pissing Contests. Yet, know one really has a blog that peers into the depths of the beauty of our encounter with Christ in the words we pray and the actions that follow.  Maybe that is why the Holy Spirit has been chirping in my ear. Maybe its the itch to be creative?  Who knows. I will come with an open heart and a deep love for Christ and His Church.  I hope you join me. This blog will be dedicated to what we believe through what we pray: Lex orandi, Lex credendi - The Law of Prayer is the Law of Belief. What we pray is what we believe. Not the foolish pursuits of who is right and who is wrong. But merely the awesome wonder of our encounter with the Great Mystery.  So, here we go. Let us go to the altar of God, to God, the joy of my youth.

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